Playtech and GBG Make ID Verification Deal

In the online gambling world, it's extremely important for sites and software platforms to be able to verify the identities of their players. Preventing fraud is one of the keys to keeping profits high and avoiding negative press, not to mention keeping players safe and satisfied. Playtech has been one of the biggest software providers around for several different types of online gambling for a long time, and they've recently inked a deal with GBG to provide ID verification.
Details on This New Deal
The way this is going to work is that GBG is going to provide Playtech with global identity verification services for all of their software platforms, and this even includes their newer financial trading platform. GBG was the choice for two main reasons. First, GBG has a very flexible solution. Second, Playtech would only have to make a minimum number of changes to their existing platform, and that makes it about as close to an instant change over to the new verification services provider as possible.
Importance of ID Verification
One of the main regulatory requirements in virtually all of the reputable jurisdictions is that the identity of players is verified through a qualified service. GBG meets the requirements in a major way, and they have exactly what Playtech need to meet these regulatory guidelines. What's more is that it also helps to keep their profits high since they generally take a loss on fraudulent accounts. This is a win-win situation for Playtech and players since Playtech gets their needs met and players know that their identities won't be stolen for use at Playtech-powered online gambling properties.
About Playtech
Playtech has been around since the late 1990s, and they are well-known for their casino platform and iPoker online poker network. They've caught a lot of criticism over the past few years for what has been called a lack of depth on some of their casino games, but that's largely because they have focused on expansion and breadth instead of depth. This large rate of expansion is one of the reasons why having such a flexible identity verification service like GBG is so important, and it will really help them a lot with maintaining their growth.