Multi-Hand Jacks or Better Video Poker

Multi-Hand Jacks or Better poker game is unique, where you play with up to four decks of 53 cards, making five wild cards available to play, as a multi-hand version of screen-play video poker!
Multi-Hand Jacks or Better video poker game wagering.
You can choose to play 2, 3 or 4 hands using coin denominations of 25¢, 50¢, $1, $2 or $5 and up to 5 coins per hand. Jacks or Better Video Poker offers 5 wild cards in this game which also offers a top payout of 10,000 coins if you're playing maximum bet.
Multi-Hand Jacks or Better video poker game uses from 2 to 4 decks of cards and each deck has 53 cards to include one joker, and all of the deuces and the joker are wild.
You're dealt 5 cards and you hold or discard as many cards out of the 5 as you like to make a winning hand.
While playing Multi-Hand Jacks or Better, the cards you hold in the original hand are also held in the other hands.
Replacement cards are dealt to each hand from their own decks as well and payouts are made on straight, flush, full house, 4 of a kind, straight flush, 5 of a kind, wild royal flush, 4 deuces, natural royal flush and 4 deuces and a joker.
Even though you're playing multiple hands in Multi-Hand Jacks or Better, the maximum bet rule for the top payout still holds. You have to be playing maximum bet to win 10,000 coins for a joker and 4 deuces.
If you aren't playing max bet and get all 4 deuces and the joker, you don't get top pay. You're paid for 5 of a kind only.
So if you like playing Multi-Hand Jacks or Better video poker game, make very sure you're playing maximum bet!