Sunshine Bingo Chat Games

24 Hour Chat in Maxi's H.O.B.

Twisted Nabors

6am – 8am We will use the number that Bingo was called on and our Host will count Up/Down to find our Twisted Nabors. Example: If Bingo was called on N34, our CW will count UP 3 names on the room list and DOWN 4 to determine Nabors. You must be in the game and chat to win the $2 bonus.

Honk Honk

8am – 10am Players pick letter B I N G or O.

Soon as you see 5 connecting number in your letter row light up type "Honk Honk" First 3 winners in chat to type "Honk Honk" wins 2 BB’s.

Birthday Bingo

10am – 12pm Give our Host your Month/Day/Year of your Birthday. When you see ALL 3 of your numbers come up on the called number board YELL "Happy Birthday" in Chat for 2 BB's.

Turtle Races

12pm – 2pm Choose a turtle from 1 to 15 as you enter chat. A winner is determined by what turtle comes in before bingo is declared. i.e. If the player picked the #15 turtle the numbers 15, 30, 45, 60 & 75 would all have to be called before bingo is declared for that turtle to be a winner. 1ST: 5 BB’S, 2ND: 3 BB’S, 3RD: 1 BB


2pm – 4pm When each game ends, look in the room list for the game winner(s). Bingo winner AND the players DIRECTLY ABOVE AND BELOW the game Winner(s) Name will get a $2 Nabor Bonus. You MUST be playing IN the game and IN chat to be eligible for the Nabor Bonus.

Lucky Pair

4pm – 6pm Choose your 2 favorite numbers from 1-75 and give them to our Host. When you see your numbers called yell "Lucky" in chat.

PAYOUTS: $2 to the First 3 Players to Yell "Lucky" and be confirmed by our Host.

Hot Keno


Twisted Nabors

6am – 8am We will use the number that Bingo was called on and our Host will count Up/Down to find our Twisted Nabors. Example: If Bingo was called on N34, our CW will count UP 3 names on the room list and DOWN 4 to determine Nabors. You must be in the game and chat to win the $2 bonus.


8pm – 9pm

1 Pair = $2.00

2 Pair = $3.00

3 of a Kind = $5.00

Straight (any 5 balls spelling BINGO) $6.00

Flush (all balls ending in same number) $8.00

Full House = $10.00

4 of a Kind = $12.00

Straight Flush (balls spell BINGO Left to Right $15.00)

5 of a Kind = $20.00

Royal Straight Flush (Balls Spell BINGO Left to Right & end in same #) $30.00

Add'em Up

9pm – 10pm Easy winnings, take the number you bingo on and that's your bonus. For example; If you bingo on I28, add the 2 and 8 up and that's your bonus 2+8=10 BB’S. 

Magic Match

10pm – 12am  There are 48 cards numbered 1-48. They have different denominations of money on those 2 BBs - 10 BBs. The winner of Bingo will pick two cards; if the cards match….they will win the amount shown. If not they still win 1 BB and the cards remain in play. Once the cards are matched they are removed. It is your job to keep up with which cards are where, as the Host will not repeat it. 

Top Baker

12am – 2am Choose a B from 1-15, if your B is first out, you win 3 BB’s.

Bust My Balloons

2am – 4am Get a bingo, pick a balloon from 1-75. You can win 2-5 BB’s, or a busted balloon and no BB’s! Each number can only be picked once

Lucky Pair

4am – 6am  Choose your 2 favorite numbers from 1-75 and give them to our Host. When you see your numbers called yell "Lucky" in chat.

PAYOUTS: $2 to the First 3 Players to Yell "Lucky" and be confirmed by our Host

Chat Games in Maxi's Palace

Add'em Up

8pm – 10pm Easy winnings, take the number you bingo on and that's your bonus. For example; If you bingo on I28, add the 2 and 8 up and that's your bonus 2+8=10 BB’S. 


8pm – 9pm

1 Pair = $2.00

2 Pair = $3.00

3 of a Kind = $5.00

Straight (any 5 balls spelling BINGO) $6.00

Flush (all balls ending in same number) $8.00

Full House = $10.00

4 of a Kind = $12.00

Straight Flush (balls spell BINGO Left to Right $15.00)

5 of a Kind = $20.00

Royal Straight Flush (Balls Spell BINGO Left to Right & end in same #) $30.00

Chat Games in Razzle Dazzle Dimes and Knobby's Penny Nicks

Honk Honk

8pm – 10pm You pick letter B I N G or O.

As soon as you see 5 connecting number in your letter row light up type "Honk Honk" First 3 winners in chat to type "Honk Honk" wins 2 BB’s.

Top Baker

10pm – 12am Choose a B from 1-15, if your B is first out, you win 3 BB’s.

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