Fortune Factory Studios Slots
For a company to consistently stand out for producing online slots in today's marketplace, they have to take a certain type of approach that focuses on making great games instead of focusing on making a lot of games. This is something that Fortune Factory Studios has very much gotten right since they opened their doors in early 2018.
Themes and Concepts
Whenever this company makes a game, you can tell that it all starts from whatever the base concept is for that title. From there, they'll come up with a style of graphics, features and gameplay style that are all appropriate for the given theme. The effect that this has on the slot itself is great since it means everything feels "in sync" like you're playing a game that has a very cohesive tone and feel to it. This is reflected in how solid the experience is for players as a whole.
We absolutely love games that are built in this way, and we know that players do as well because they always get such great reviews.
Mobile Play
On top of how their games are built, their approach to the software side is strong as well with a big focus on mobile. Players with tablets or smartphones will be able to take these games with them wherever they go and enjoy great times with their favorite titles. With slots optimized for mobile that also run well on desktop platforms, you aren't limited in where you can play these games. All you need is your Android, iOS, Windows Phone or Blackberry mobile device and a connection to get started with no download required since the games run straight from your web browser app.