Romney Stands Against Online Gambling

In an interview posted on, Mitt Romney lays out his plans to help Nevada if he is elected President. At the end, almost as a side note, the Presidential hopeful also commented on where he stands on online gambling:

“Romney also said he doesn’t support legalizing online gaming. He’s says he’s against it because of the social costs and people’s addictive gambling habits.”

Not to be left behind on this issue, fellow Republican runners Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich also came out to take a stand against online gambling. Santorum said on the TV program Face to Face that:

“It’s one thing to come to Las Vegas and do gaming and participate in the shows and entertainment and that kind of thing. It’s another thing to be able to sit in your home and have access to that. I just think it would be dangerous for our country.”

Looks like the only Republican not a party stance is longtime advocate, Ron Paul, thought by most as a long shot to win the nomination. His comments on the same program were:

“I think people should have legalized freedom. I think people should be free and make their own decisions and there should be no regulation of the internet.”

John Pappas, Executive Director of Poker Players Alliance (PPA) was quick to issue a statement after Romney’s comment.  In this PPA statement, Pappas said:

“Governor Romney’s statement seems to be based on a misperception of regulation and the status quo. We hope to educate him that regulation will mean strong enforcement and meaningful consumer protections, while doing nothing will only exacerbate any perceived problems he has with gaming.”

PPA Executive Vice President of Player Relations Rich Muny echoed this statement by adding:

“I believe Romney has it wrong here. Licensing and regulation will ensure that age verification measures are implemented, consumer protections are provided, and protections for those with excessive gaming habits are mandated. Current law does not provide any protections for anyone.”

Author: GamesAndCasino