Canada Pushing Legal Online Gambling

It seems like Canada is considering taking steps to get there part on the $30 billion global online gambling market. Though gambling online is legal in Canada, operating a gambling site in that country is not. Meeting at the Canadian Gaming Summit in Calgary this week, online gambling officials, including John FitzGerald, president of the Interactive Gaming Council are calling for a change. They would like to see governments take action to protect players from being taken advantage off.

There are also side benefits that were brought up in the meeting that are much the same as the online gambling proponents in the United States, employment and tax revenue gains.

Mr. Fitzgerald claims, “It would create more jobs, more innovation through technology … and it could create more revenue for government.”

For now the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission is keeping a watchful eye on any developments saying that the issue of online gambling will have to be a decision made by the government of Alberta. For now however the commission wants it to be clear they have no control over offshore operators.

Maybe if Canada will get on board with regulating online gambling, the U.S. may see fit to so some regulating of their own. Yes, it may be baby steps but at least they are making them.

Author: GamesAndCasino